This is a blog for the Mental Health Policy Class at the George Warren Brown School of Social Work.

February 8, 2006

Medicaid Cuts

"The particularly vicious nature of the Medicaid cuts comes in three particular sentences in the CBO's report. On prescription drugs, it said, ''About one-third of those affected would be children and almost half would be individuals with income below the poverty level.' On cost-sharing for nonprescription services, it said, ''half of those enrollees would be children.'"


Sickly Person said...

As a Missouri citizen, I have been appalled and embarrassed by the Medicaid cuts here. I feel such a sense of helplessness--I didn't vote for the governor or any of the Republican senators and representatives who lead the state, so I don't feel they represent me or my views. The cuts are mean-spirited and short-sighted. What can we do?

Danny Wedding said...

How do others feel?