This is a blog for the Mental Health Policy Class at the George Warren Brown School of Social Work.

March 8, 2006

The Mythology of Health Care Reform?

"Health care is once again moving to the top of the national political agenda. The early evidence is that this debate will be dominated by misinformation and misconceptions. Advocates of a government-run, national health-care system will do everything they can to frighten Americans and discredit consumer-directed health care. But we would be advised to look at the facts and not the scare tactics." (Note: I am providing this link to the CATO Institute website because I want you to be familiar with some of the arguments AGAINST many of the positions I take in class. It will behoove you to spend some time on the CATO site; for a more elaborate analysis of conservative concerns about health care reform, go to

1 comment:

Danny Wedding said...

Thanks for your thoughtful comments, Jennifer, and thanks for alerting the class to the article.